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Writing Will Be The Death Of Me (unless anorexia takes me first)

I've been writing new chapters for my book, If Only, on Wattpad & it's so. fucking. hard. Not the writing, but having to read back & change a bunch of small shit because it comes off as cringey (to me) or there's a few typos that really piss me off. But, I checked my views like any other day, to see if I've made any progress, & I did. Well... some. But, every view counts & I hope that I'll be able to publish this book, even if it makes me want to break each indiviual finger of mine when I get frustrated.

(Here's the link to my book on Wattpad if you're interested in reading):

On a side note, I've lost more weight due to my dieting; 155.6 lbs! I'm noticeably looking more & more like a fucking walking stick, but I don't know if I just don't care or what. It was nice being extremely fucking "thick" or whatever, but I never realized how unhappy I was with my size. Now, being small & 5"4 has helped me not feel so much like shit. Plus, I want to do more activities & be active for once. So, is being borderline anorexic really that bad?

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